From the Secretary’s Desk – June 22, 2022

Look at us grow!
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
When I first came on as social media manager, we had about 60 members. Chris was managing that through email.

When I came on as secretary we had grown to around 70 members and while we weren’t doing email, we were doing a very analog system.

Then more growth, then pandemic, and even more growth.

As we’ve grown I’ve tried to put automation and business processes around some of the things we do, like our new member system.

We have a new board!

More events!

More members!

We are creating a unique queer space in Baltimore.

But something has gotten lost in all that.


She’s just one person. She makes all the menus, cooks the food, manages all paid employees, orders the food and liquor, preps the food and space, and so on.

The board is doing all they can to put more help and processes in place so she doesn’t collapse under the weight of this growth.

So we’re asking.

We’re asking for you not to try to engage Amelia in stuff surrounding the club unless you need to.
We’ve tried to siphon off duties to take things from Amelia’s plate.

How can you help?

Read the newsletter.
It’s where we call out for help, information, or tell you what’s coming up.

Tag the right person
At this point, nothing should be going to Amelia directly. Here’s a list of emails where you can get in touch with whatever various issues you might have.

Go through whoever fits your needs. – Chris -Specific questions about events (not for booking events, use the events email for that). Board Questions. Complaints. Staffing questions. “I need to talk to a manager.” – Jack – will be helping with president, or maybe just tell Jack ‘Hey’ – Amy -everything else -David – Financial questions, fundraising, donations for the club, or request for donations. – Amelia and Amy – booking events, questions about events you have booked, catering, and estimates about events – Amy – website issues and suggestions – Amy and other board members as needed – membership questions, how to become a member, cancel membership, dues questions – for personal club stuff, but be aware I’m going to read it first

Social Media – Zak, use Facebook messenger

Gardening and Yard – Eva Goodyear

Don’t text us
For me, if you text me or message me on Facebook and it doesn’t get done…well….
As for Chris, let me put it in his words; “If any of you need me just shoot me a FB message or text me at 443-488-2825. If you text me just let me know who you are. Also messages will likely get a faster response if you just put all things you need in that first message. I’m pretty busy and “hey, how are you” texts will get lost in the shuffle.”

Be patient
Amelia meets with various people each week, but only once a week. That means if you mail about an event on Thursday, we won’t go over it and respond until the next time we meet, which is on a Wednesday.

Use the new systems
If you’ve been a club member for a long time it might be the 5th system you’ve been asked to use, and that can feel exasperating, but each time we get better at choosing a lasting system. So try it out.

Why do this? Because it means that when you approach Amelia she gets to see a friend, not someone who might need something when 10 other things are happening.

We always tell people to raise flags when things are hard. This is our flag.

Above all, love us in our imperfections. Because we love all of you.


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