A Note from Amelia – October 4, 2023

This week is officially my 9 year anniversary here at the Club, and I kinda can’t believe I’m still here making this magic happened. It’s been a close call a few times over the years because of both capitalism and because of my own limitations as a human.

This Club means so much to me, and my experience of it is unique and so radically different than any other Club member. For me this space means creative freedom. I get to conceptualize any flavors I want, I get the opportunity to make that vision become real, and then you all pay me for it! I’ve know almost my whole life, at least since I was 8 years old, that I wanted to cook for a living. It’s an incredibly punishing, physically taxing art form that our society has simultaneously put on a pedestal, and chronically overlooked the toll it takes on the people who choose to do it. I’m go grateful that I’ve created an opportunity for myself to do the thing I love outside of the narrow scope that most people are allowed it. I have the creative freedom that very few chefs achieve, and even less of them in the price point I willfully chose to keep us at.

The creative outlets that the Club is for me isn’t just limited to the food I serve you. I’ve spent hours upon hours thinking about what community means to me and how I want to foster it. How much control I exert over what happens here and how much space I leave for spontaneity. This Club is my direct answer to how adults make new friends, an example of how I want to handle inevitable conflict, and how to navigate space with a whole group of people who have been traumatized by the society around us. I’m so proud of the team that surrounds me and what we continue to build together.

Thank you so much for all the support for all these years!

And also, I’m going to ask for a gift. To this day, I still don’t have a good clear answer of what the CPC is. When people ask, I tend to talk about my experience, but the gift that I would like is to know what the Club is to you. How do you describe it to people who have never been here? What is it from your unique point of view?

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